Power of Pink ~ Mimi's Cafe (Giveaway!)
My life has been forever changed by Cancer - 14 years ago I lost my Mom to Cancer. She happened to have Lung Cancer, not Breast Cancer, but one thing that brought to the center of my mind is the importance of screening for all Cancers. My mother's lung cancer had one of the worst survival rates of all Cancers - at her diagnosis we were basically looking at months not years of potential survival and this was if she made it through the initial weekend. Early diagnosis in most cases for Breast Cancer dramatically increases chances of beating the disease. Early diagnosis can mean a 98.6% chance of survival past 5 years.
I'm so excited that Mimi's Cafe is partnering with the National Breast Cancer Foundation this month to bring in donations for such a a great cause! Stop in anytime this month to donate $1 (and up) and Mimi's Cafe will give you coupons valuing over $30 for the restaurants over 125 locations. Also be sure to try out the two new Sparking Pink drinks - Sparkling Pink Passion Mimosa and Pink Passion Sparkler. A portion of all proceeds will also be donated to the National Breast Cancer Foundation.
Today my boys and I stopped by our local Mimi's Cafe and donated and created our pink leaf to be placed on the "Giving Tree" at our restaurant.
Want to head to your local Mimi's "on the house"? I have TWO $25 Mimi's Gift e-cards to giveaway to two lucky readers. I'll pick the winners on Friday October 5th, 2012 at 8pm Pacific time.
Here's how to enter: Leave a comment below on this post saying how Cancer has touched your life.
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I'm so excited that Mimi's Cafe is partnering with the National Breast Cancer Foundation this month to bring in donations for such a a great cause! Stop in anytime this month to donate $1 (and up) and Mimi's Cafe will give you coupons valuing over $30 for the restaurants over 125 locations. Also be sure to try out the two new Sparking Pink drinks - Sparkling Pink Passion Mimosa and Pink Passion Sparkler. A portion of all proceeds will also be donated to the National Breast Cancer Foundation.
Today my boys and I stopped by our local Mimi's Cafe and donated and created our pink leaf to be placed on the "Giving Tree" at our restaurant.
Want to head to your local Mimi's "on the house"? I have TWO $25 Mimi's Gift e-cards to giveaway to two lucky readers. I'll pick the winners on Friday October 5th, 2012 at 8pm Pacific time.
Here's how to enter: Leave a comment below on this post saying how Cancer has touched your life.
Bonus Entries (please be sure to leave a separate comment below per entry):
Winner will be drawn using random.org and I reserve the right to draw another winner if I am not able to get mailing address information in a timely manner. Giveaway is only open to residents of the contiguous US. Please ensure I have a way to contact you to notify you if you have won (leaving a decipherable email address in your comment is a great way). I highly recommend you become a fan of OCMomActivities on Facebook as that is where the winner will be announced first.
Note: I was supplied with a gift card to facilitate the writing of this post - but Mimi's Cafe is a restaurant we already love :)
I have a neighbor who currently battles breast cancer as well as our family dentist. Over the summer I had a breast cancer scare myself...I had to have a biopsy but fortunately the tumor was benign. It's so scary.
mami2jcn at gmail dot com
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I like Mimi's Cafe on Facebook as Mary Happymommy.
mami2jcn at gmail dot com
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My mother-in-law is a cancer survivor
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I lost my best friend to cancer two years ago. It forever changed my life.
I am a fan of OC Mom Activities. Puffy heart you!
Cancer has affected my life in so many ways. It has made me more of a healthy eater and worry more about my family's health
fan of OCMomActivities on Facebook, Evelyn D
shopgurl101 at gmail dot com
fan of Mimi's Cafe on Facebook, Evelyn D
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My grandmother died of skin cancer
CalifKitties {at} Aol {dot} com
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CalifKitties {at} Aol {dot} com
Two of my aunts have had cancer & beat it. Seeing them survive this has only taught me to enjoy every moment of every day like it's your last.
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I tweeted: https://twitter.com/linnysvault/status/253167780164161536
Cancer is an ugly word and I only hope those who have been through it and around it can spread the education and support. We lost our dearest, Alison, my sister, to melanoma 3 years ago. I want to enter this for my mom...below is her note to my sister. MiMi's would be a fun girl's day out for my mom and I.
August 2009
My dearest Alison, beautiful daughter, sister, mother, cousin, aunt and friend,
As I try to write this love letter to you, my heart is broken and I am only momentarily comforted by the fact that you are not suffering anymore, are pain free and your concern of not looking beautiful in these final days is over. You are free, renewed and will go with your MeMe to a more peaceful place.
Such a planner you were to the very end, always guiding and helping me fulfill your desires and needs as your life hit your roughest challenge. From our first days at the John Wayne Cancer Center , 8 years ago, to the last days at LAC+USC you have been so patient and loving showing me how to drive you comfortably, how to navigate the horrible LA freeways, showing me the fabulous garment districts and flower marts of LA; places and a city that I would never have chosen to be involved.
The last two years, when Dad and I were told how aggressive this melanoma was and that Stage IV is really tough to fight, I remember thinking that from this day forward I wanted to consume you. I wanted to spend time in cities you loved, eat at all of your favorite restaurants, wear your perfumes, drink your coffees, meet all of your friends and business associates, sleep in your bed, move in with you and Madison in beautiful Redondo, go to New York to one your fashion shows, meet all of your sales reps, buy big jewelry, all of you, everything about you.
I discovered that I not only loved you more but I really, really liked you and everything you became! I wanted to be you! I wanted to have the discipline to stay skinny, to dress beautifully and stylish and to learn to be cosmopolitan.
And today my darling daughter, I am still a work in progress! While you have left your mark at such a young age and your legacy will last forever. As we all wear Olive Jane or hold it close to us, we will remember a gorgeous woman who was unbelievably strong, loved life, loved candy, loved all the best that life could offer and never ceased to reach for her dreams.
You were my first born and every ounce of my being will miss you and love you not only as your Mama, but because you became my guiding light. I look forward to being with you again.
Every day we will look for signs of your presence, yellow butterflies, VW beetles and sugared cereals.
Lastly, thank you for guiding Dad, John, and I as you faded out of your physical body. Know your last few minutes you were bathed and massaged, by your hospice shower nurse and lastly oiled and anointed by our long-time friend and deacon, Andrea.
I must carry on and every day I will miss you more than yesterday.
Love and blessings forever,
Your Mama
Signed, Jenifer KLemm!! (jennklemm@cox.net)
I love mimi's! My sister in law lost her mom to cancer and it has been devastating to her family. My nephew will never know his grandmother.
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I have had so many I have know that has/have cancer. The ones that affect me the most are the little ones. Just recently we found out one of my 5 year old son's friends has cancer and it saddens me. Just a few weeks before, they were playing happily at school. One day, they are fine and the next something is wrong. It can just happen to anyone. :(
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both grandmother of both sides of the family died of cancer. iwas too young to remember their agony
amramazon280 at yahoo dot com
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amramazon280 at yahoo dot com
My aunt had breast cancer and my friend at thirty just found out she has breast cancer.
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