Inspirational Web Chat Wednesday on Otter 501 Documentary - Join us!
Our oceans are in trouble - there is no doubt about that. They are under assault from everything from over-fishing to pollution. If you listen you will hear countless news stories about the plights of the polar bears, the overfishing of this or that animal (harsh fishing restrictions are constantly implemented and is even currently being shown on the popular Deadliest Catch show on tv). Some of the amazing sea creatures we have long since taken for granted are suffering.
What do I think is the absolute most important thing we can do to help reverse this? As parents we need to teach our children to have a love of the ocean and the creatures in it. It all begins there. Does that mean I'm a radical tree-hugger? Not at all. What I do have is an understanding of the circle of life. We can't allow certain sections to disappear and not expect everything else to collapse!
I was asked to co-host a web chat on a documentary (watch for my review of the movie next week!) on Otter 501. It's a powerful documentary that really drives home the plight of one species in trouble - the California Sea Otter. It was filmed in one of my favorite places in the world - Monterey Bay. Much of it set at the Monterey Bay Aquarium highlighting their conservation efforts.
Please take a few minutes on May 2nd Wednesday morning (10 am pacific time/1 pm east coast time) to stop in and hear amazing insights in to the filming of this documentary, the messages behind the documentary and ways to get kids involved in science and conservation. You can go here to participate and help us spread the word to everyone you know! The web chat should last about 30 minutes.
Otter 501 will be released in select theaters in May 11th (you can find those here).
Can't make the web chat? Become a fan on their web page here or check out their web page here! Read more...