Tuesday, July 20, 2010

How we play the slug bug game...

Punch bug (aka slug bug or Punch Dub) has recently made a come back in our house.  It's a never ending and mostly friendly competition between my boys.  We had a signing of a peace treaty a few weeks ago where it was unanimously agreed that we would remove the actually punching and replaced with either a tap or just a simple declaration of points. 

My boys being the creative little guys they are have drastically increased the included vehicles from the Volkswagen to include such vehicles as the Jeepy (which includes all Jeeps), the Hondy (any model Honda), the Toyoty (all Toyotas), the Chevy and the squarey (which is the most general term and includes Scions, Elements and other box shaped cars). 

Much to my shock we are now recognizing "white ones", "red ones", "silver ones", "gold ones", "blue ones" and many more.  I'm sure you're probably wondering at this point what vehicle doesn't fit in... and yeah... basically all vehicles do.  It's a chorus of vehicle calling from the back seat.  Let's not forget the RV'y and the Ultra super dang trucky.  Yes driving by truck stops and RV dealerships gets pretty funny.

But then the other day we were driving north on the Interstate 405 (about in the Carson area) and the boys started busting up in giggles and yelling SLUG BUG.  The billboard has a picture of a Volkswagen Beetle and simply says... "This is for those of you playing the slug bug game".  Seriously, that is one of the best billboards ever!  Have you seen it?


Jessica Renshaw July 22, 2010 at 9:31 AM  

Jerry and I, married six years but still on our honeymoon, have modified the game. We call it "snug bug" and we count up the bugs for kisses when we get home. Jerry said there weren't enough "snug bugs" out there so we added Chrysler PT "snuggers." :o) (Yes, I'm the mother of Ben, who also wrote to the tooth fairy. My son and his wife married after Jerry and I did because his dad had passed away and this is my second marriage.)

Anonymous,  July 22, 2010 at 10:14 PM  

awe yes, but have you played the super duper min cooper game! it's just fun to say each time you see one. a new game for your children ;-)

Unknown July 26, 2010 at 7:30 AM  

LoL! That's great. My kids have turned it into "poke bug" instead of slug bug. They now poke each other, which is something they did constantly to begin with. Now they just have a reason.

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