Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Respect goes both ways people.

It's a simple code really.  Respect me and you'll get all the world in respect back.  Disrespect me and I'm sorry, who are you again?

It's the code I live my life by, "Do unto others as you would want others to do unto you".  That has echoed in my head for as long as I can remember.  I'm a very generous and giving person until I feel someone disrepects me so deeply I lose respect for them.  You don't need to be perfect - just respectful.

As I've mentioned we moved a few months ago (ok, almost a year now, where the heck did the time go???) and we are usually pretty healthy people, so up until now we haven't had an urgent need to establish new doctors, etc.  I had some routine things I needed to take care of so I turned to our health insurance database to locate a new doctor becuase I didn't have anyone around who had a great recommendation.  Yes, I know, first mistake.

The receptionist was pleasant and I was able to get an appointment a week later.  I should have seen this red flag, most good doctors can't get new patients in for at least 2 weeks.  But we are PPO and this provider was in network, so I thought it couldn't be that bad.

I arrived early for my appointment (I have this annoying genetic defect to being on time or early - LOL).  The office was busy but again the receptionish was friendly, so I too was my normal overly nice self. 

As I sat down to wait for my appointment I saw the sign that should have had me running and screaming - "Turn off all cell phones".  I being the optimistic one promptly turned off the ringer on my phone and proceeded to skim through emails, Facebook, Twitter and such as I waited to be called.  20 minutes went by.  30 minutes.  40 minutes.  50 minutes.  No joke.  I would have gone crazy without my smatphone to keep me entertained and would have been far more annoyed and vocal about the delay.

Over an hour went by and now I was concerned that I wouldn't have enough time to get through the appointment and back to pick up my kids from school.  This was absurd.  The office really doesn't value people's time.

Finally the office tech called my name for me to come back.  As I walked through the door, she said "You can put that phone away".  I was stunned.  What did she say?  I must have misunderstood.  I'm not a child.  I'm a busy adult who is PAYING to be here.  My phone is on silent and I'm not chatting on it, simply responding to texts, emails, etc. when I have down time.  My normal routine is to put the phone away when I go back to the rooms, but this time I was already annoyed so I defiantly decided I was going to keep it out.

As I sat down in the room, she pointed to yet another sign on the wall saying "Turn off all cell phones".  Now, I understand when you are in a hospital with sensitive equipment, but in a family practitioners office?  Really?

I told her that I had been waiting for over an hour past my appointment time in the waiting room and that I was simply being productive about my time because my time is just as valuable.  I left my cell phone on the examination table and gave her "the look" back.  I didn't know how long the doctor would be, so I told her I would keep it out.

Sure enough my blood was boiling, my blood pressure was SKY high.  No mention of the dangerous level it had reached, I'm sure she realized SHE was the reason it was through the roof.

When the doctor came in, I got the same lecture.  I calmly looked at him and said I'm not using it during the examination and given how much time I was made to wait in the waiting room, well I'll do whatever I want to do while I wait as long as it doesn't disturb or disrupt anyone.

So what lesson did I learn?  That if a doctor doesn't respect MY time, you can bet your bottom I won't be back.  NEXT!


natalie June 27, 2012 at 12:21 AM  

it is so hard when a dr. is late! what else would we do while waiting .. at least you got work done!

Anne Louise Bannon June 27, 2012 at 12:36 PM  

Yep. Definitely time to find a new doctor. Actually, this could be a case study for a friend of mine's blog when it goes active.

Unknown June 27, 2012 at 12:54 PM  

I love my doctor, but good LORD the wait is ridiculous!

Ericka June 27, 2012 at 1:14 PM  

It's so hard to find a Dr. Our last Dr. only took cash. Yes cash! So we moved on!

sharon greenthal June 27, 2012 at 4:27 PM  

The doctor thing is so difficult. If you are with a doctor as a patient, you want her to take her time with you and answer all of your questions...and if you are waiting for the doctor, you want her to hurry and get to you! The problem is doctors tend to double-book to cover for their no-shows and cancellations.

Adrienne June 27, 2012 at 8:20 PM  

of course the best thoughts always come after the situation.

"excuse me while I use my phone to google whom will be my NEW doctor!"

Admin June 27, 2012 at 10:42 PM  

I would of been fuming mad. I can't stand it when a doctor is not on time. I always feel that if they are late we should be able to charge them for our time.

Yvonne condes,  June 28, 2012 at 12:04 AM  

that's annoying. they say no phones at my doctor but everyone uses them.

Caryn B. June 28, 2012 at 11:02 AM  

Annoying... I will say (and this might not be the case) but our Ped is frequently late...however...he spends so much time talking to parents and their kids and so I know that he is being thorough and empathetic and so I know that is the kind of care our children are going to receive...And what Sharon said is true...you do want a doctor that isn't going to rush you in and out....it's just the challenges of our health care system : (

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