Thursday, April 14, 2011

Good To Go From Head To Toe is at Pretend City Saturday!

There is no doubt that Autism Spectrum diagnosis are on the rise among other developmental disorders.  When my boys were young I remember scouring the baby books each month to refresh my memory as to what the important milestones were for the boys.  I've been very lucky to have two average boys.

Pretend City and Good To Go Head to Toe have paired up again for the 2nd Annual Family Fun and Wellness Fair this coming Saturday (April 16th 10 am-3 pm) to help make those crucial screenings for developmental check-ups fun and less invasive for children by cushioning them in a fun environment.  There are free developmental check-ups, community and health related activities, nutritious snacks, crafts, a dance competition and all sorts of other fun family activities.  Kids who visit all the stations will receive an admission ticket to Pretend City.  The stations are designed for kids ages 0-5 and include hearing, speech and language, behavior, BMI, height and weight, blood pressure and dental.

Pretend City is located at 29 Hubble, Irvine, CA and you can find out more information about them here.  You can find out more information about Good To Go From Head To Toe here.


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