Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Goodbye beloved oats...

Dear Oats,

I really loved the years we spent together. Snacking on granola fought off many episodes of hunger when I was too busy to make a meal. Blueberry Oat Bars from Starbucks have been a guilty pleasure for me over the last few years. The oatmeal breakfast bars, need I say more? My oatmeal infused body wash was supposed to soothe my troubled skin. I'll truly miss my Oatmeal with brown sugar. Goodbye Cheerios (at least the kids can still eat them!!!).

But yesterday I was tested for allergies and I'm afraid you, my dear Oats are the culprit. I must go cold turkey and stop the endless allergic reaction my body is having now that I know you are the problem.

Best of luck to you in your future endeavours...


If you are a parent reading this and you even suspect your child may have food allergies... Make an appointment! I can't believe I waited so long!


JLC November 3, 2009 at 7:12 PM  

OH NOES! What are the symptoms of oat allergies? (Send all oats to: JLC co/Bulking up for the Winter Months with oatmeal cookies.)

Katie November 3, 2009 at 7:20 PM  

For me it was a skin rash, eczema looking. Dermatologist said acne, but I knew that wasn't right, it was too rashy in my opinion. And why all of the sudden? All makes sense now because when it all became an "issue" I had switched to snacking on Bear Naked Granola (Yum) and my skin went crazy but I never associated it! Then the Oatmeal Body wash was the "icing on the cake" I guess.

JLC November 4, 2009 at 11:06 AM  

Its good to know what to look for. Glad you didn't accept the dermatologist's explanation.

Mimi N November 6, 2009 at 8:09 PM  

I can't even imagine giving up something like that! Sorry you need to do that. I know there are some great alternatives out there. You'll figure it all out as you go along.

Found you from the Mom Blogger Round Up.

Mimi @ Woven by Words

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