Monday, November 9, 2009

Random Act of Kindness

I treasure the moments as a mother when one of my children does something filled with compassion. Its times like that that I take notice that I really AM raising my boys well. Last weekend Brett did something so truly touching that I fought back tears - tears of joy, tears of sadness and tears of pride in what a wonderful little boy he is. It really was a small little gesture he did, picking up a sippy cup that had fallen for a toddler in a stroller. But it only took one glance from me to realize this wasn't just any little girl, she was a triplet born to two parents who have been to hell and back - the Cobles. Read more details about their story here.

If you're not familiar with this family, they have a story filled with more pain that I as a mother can even fathom to think about for more than a few minutes without sobbing. Two and a half years later my heart breaks to think about it. That fateful night we were driving on the very same freeway and saw the signs on I-5 about the terrible car accident at Oso Parkway. Chills ran up my spine as I saw that sign and I clearly remember saying a prayer for who was involved in the accident (I tend to do that, even with Ambulances). It wouldn't be until the next morning that I heard how heart wrenching it really was. That night the three Coble children died and their mother survived the accident (along with her mother in the passenger seat). Katie, Kyle and Emma would forever be etched in my mind. The fact that my name is Katie and I have a son named Kyle made me feel bonded in a way to this family even though I had never met them. To this day I can't go past that part of the freeway without taking a deep breath and wishing I could send Lori strength to heal from her loss. On days when my boys are acting up, I step back and think of how lucky I am that I can still hug my little boys.

One year after the accident Lori delivered triplets. Those three children are angelic gifts sent to help their parents carry-on. I hope they don't see their legacy as a burden, but instead see it as inspiring and magical.

I've read horrible comments about the Cobles, people judging them on their actions after losing their children, choosing to have more children being one. People can be so cruel. My wish for them is that they find the peace they so deserve, they have found the strength to go on and they deserve every single ounce of beauty life has to offer.

And when I saw my son Brett participating in a small random act of kindness for a family that deserves it so much made me one dang proud mom.

*Lori, if you ever stumble upon this and read it, please know that for every cruel person or comment, there are atleast a thousand more of us wishing the world for your family!


mckay November 9, 2009 at 7:19 PM  

beautiful words, beautiful actions, beautiful families. life at its best.

Katie November 9, 2009 at 7:35 PM  

Thanks. :) That was pretty emotional to write - I've been thinking about what I wanted to say all weekend since it happened.

Shanna November 9, 2009 at 8:19 PM  

I still can't hear or read about that story without crying. I TRULY can't even imagine the strength it must take that family! Such an unbelievably hard loss that I KNOW I could not survive. I can't even drive car of any form now that doesn't have about a billion feet between the bank bumper and my babies. It couldn't have been easy to write that post, great job and kudos to a wonderful son!! Ditto Katie's comments if you ever see this post Lori!

Richele McFarlin November 10, 2009 at 11:02 PM  

Thank you for submitting this to the Mom Link Round Up. This is so tragic yet so inspiring. I can't imagine after such a loss anyone could say negative things about this family. I'll admit I know nothing about what the comments were about or the situation that would prompt any negativity. But horrible for outsiders to be cruel under circumstances most could not imagine living through. I think it's wonderful they had more children!

Mimi N November 20, 2009 at 8:02 AM  

What a wonderful post! I will visit their story after I'm done here. It is such a reflection of the Lord in our children's lives when they do something like this! I found you through Mom Link Round Up.


Anonymous,  November 20, 2009 at 11:58 AM  

Why in the world are people so cruel?

Thank you for your lovely post. I came from the Mom Link Round Up

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