Why we love it: It’s cool on a hot day. Literally. With copious trees and the trademark shade structures over most of the play areas of Aliso Viejo- it’s a great place to go with kids any time of day. Most afternoons there is a gentle breeze. Its a few blocks from any busy streets, so you have zero concern for children wandering in to the street. It’s a great place to bring a picnic because the picnic tables are shaded and the views of the Saddleback Mountains in the distance are refreshing.
Be sure to bring: You won’t need much. Don’t worry about sunscreen. There are plenty of benches for parents to sit on if needed. Feel free to bring your dog, just be sure to have it on a leash, the city of Aliso Viejo supplies bags in dispensers throughout the city. One is located at the entrance to the park.
Appeals to: Kids of all ages. There are two play structures- one geared to older kids and one for toddlers. There are bucket
Location: It's on Springdale Road in Aliso Viejo. Off of Aliso Creek Road, turn on Summerfield then left on Springdale. The park is at the end of the small street. Check the link for a precise map. http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Springdale,+Aliso+Viejo,+CA&sll=33.575552,-117.719085&sspn=0.010762,0.017016&ie=UTF8&ll=33.575405,-117.719021&spn=0.021525,0.034032&z=15&om=1
Next Time: We head to the beach for one of our all time favorite parks!
Those little doggy pooh bags are so handy. They have them along the Wildwood NJ shore too. We don't currently have a pooch, but it sure makes for a more secure walk along the beach!
Sounds like your beautiful little boys have a fun mommy! Enjoy. OUrs are 11 and 13 now and we love every minute.
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